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Equine Rehabilitation Success Story: Rhythm’s Story

By April 6, 2023August 16th, 2023No Comments

Rhythm’s Road to Recovery with Equine Rehabilitation

As horse owners, we understand that seeing our equine companions in pain or discomfort is distressing. Fortunately, with the right veterinary care and rehabilitation plan, many horses can recover from even the most severe of injuries.


Rhythm’s Story
Rhythm is a 9 year old OTTB who spent most of his life racing. With 52 starts and plenty of wins across the country, his racing career was extensive and left him with some typical wear and tear. When he first came to us he had a severe case of white line disease and laminitis in his left front foot, as well as a severe negative palmar angle in his right front foot. Additionally, he had an avulsion fracture on his left hind hock that required surgery a year and a half ago.

The Rehabilitation Plan
Rhythm had multiple goals to complete with Iverson Equine which included the post surgical healing of the hock, correcting the damage done to his front left by the white line and correcting the negative angle in the right front. His post surgical care included daily wrapping and bandaging of his hock, icing, and laser therapy to aid the healing of the surgical wound. After the mechanics were corrected we were then able to move onto full body rehabilitation. Due to his complex medical history, he also required creative corrective shoeing to address years of chronic compensation. We addressed his whole body with dynamic mobility exercises, TheraPlate vibration therapy, laser therapy, and treatment for his avulsion fracture.

Recovery and Progress
After a year and a half under the direct care of Dr. Iverson and her team, Rhythm is making great progress in his rehabilitation journey. His goals are still in progress and we are working towards getting Rhythm back to work as a trail horse or a walk/trot horse.

If you have a horse with a similar injury or lameness, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Iverson Equine for expert care and rehabilitation. With the right treatment plan and dedication to recovery, your horse can also make progress and achieve a comfortable, healthy life.