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Six essential ways to help your horse recover quickly from equine surgery

By July 28, 2022August 4th, 2022No Comments

Learning your horse is going to need equine surgery is hard news to swallow. There are so many questions that need to be answered regarding how, when and where will your beloved buddy recover from surgery, for how long, and much, much more. At Iverson Equine, we’ve put this list together to help ease your mind. Dr. Courtney Iverson has the experience and expertise to provide a complete continuum of care after equine surgery. For horses who need intermediate care between surgery and boarding, Dr. Iverson provides unparalleled equine post-surgical care, and what’s more, she will work closely with your referring veterinarian throughout your horse’s stay to ensure a speedy and thorough recovery.

#1 Facilitation of post-surgical care instructions — it’s important to follow your referring veterinarian’s instructions to the tee. These instructions vary from horse to horse and depend on the type of equine surgery your horse is having.

#2 Bandage changes and wound care — the last thing you want is for your horse to develop an infection after surgery, so you can rest assured that at Iverson Equine, we will be changing your horse’s bandages and monitoring your horses’ wound with loving care and appropriate frequency.

#3 In-house pharmacy — having access to medications during his or her recovery from equine surgery at our facility saves time and money!

#4 Lay-up observation — when your horse is stall-bound during his or her recovery from horse surgery, we will keep a close eye at all times.

#5 Daily in-depth monitoring and check-ins — with precision and care, we will conduct daily check-ins to monitor your horse’s progress each day.

# 6 Continual communication of changes and progress to you, and to your veterinarian — keeping in touch regarding your horse’s recovery is important to you, as we know you’ll be anxious to know how your horse is feeling. It’s also important to us to maintain an open line of communication with your horse’s referring veterinarian, so we are always on the same page regarding your horse’s post surgery recovery and health.

Iverson Equine is ready to provide in-depth, compassionate care as your horse works toward recovery. Contact us for a consultation today.